When you purchase a product, you believe that it will perform as it is supposed to in a safe and effective manner.
Unfortunately, too often, people find out that the manufacturer hasn’t taken enough care in developing or making the product for this to be the case. When that happens and you suffer a serious personal injury as a result, you need an aggressive team on your side to help you recover compensation for what you have lost and suffered.
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Examples of Defective Products:
These cases all have one thing in common: a person who purchased a product, believing in good faith that the item would perform as advertised, and was injured by the defective product. People who are injured by products deserve to be compensated for their suffering and losses.
If you or a loved one has been injured by a defective or dangerous product of any kind, contact us online or call The Mott Law today at 407-878-7853 for a free consultation. And remember – if we don’t recover money for you, you don’t pay.